Généalogie Dardel - Fiche Individuelle
Généalogie Dardel - Fiche Individuelle
NomAlexandra Ebba Augusta (Lola) von Dardel , 385, 1065 Ng1 14
Naissance1913-07-08, Narvik-Anderslöv (Norvège)
Décès2003-03-06, Anderslöv (Suède)92
PèreCarl Otto David (Carlo) von Dardel , 72, 937 (1880-1955)
MèreElsa Karin Maria Åhman , 384 (1883-1965)
Naissance1907-12-11, Stockholm
Décès1987-12-12, Källstorp (Suède)
PèreCarl Henning von Horn , 5740 (1876-1944)
MèreMärta Maria Dorotea Stjernswärd , 5741 (1876-1946)
EnfantsDidrik (Dick) , 5739 (1945-2010)
Notes pour Alexandra Ebba Augusta (Lola) von Dardel
Miss Lola de Dardel, daughter of the Consul-General for Sweden in Australia, Mr. C. O. de Dardel and Mrs. de Dardel, Sydney, has interrupted her singing career for marriage. She left Sydney four years ago to study at Stockholm, and had already made several successful appearances on the concert platform. Her marriage to Jan C. von Horn, a lieutenant in his Swedish Majesty's First Regiment of Lifeguards, was to take place recently in a beautiful 12th century church of the estate of her aunt, the Baronne Barnekow.
The Evening Post, Wellington, New Zealand, October 10, 1940
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