![]() Updated on 24 Jun 2019 |
Georg Friedrich Händel
ID | HWV | Genre | Title | Date | Key/Voice |
1 | 1 | Operas | Almira (Der in Krohnen erlangte Glücks-Wechsel) | 1705 | |
2 | 2 | Operas | Nero (Die durch Blut and Mord erlangete Liebe) | 1705 | |
3 | 3 | Operas | Florindo (Der beglückte Florindo) | 1708 | |
4 | 4 | Operas | Daphne (Die verwandelte Daphne) | 1708 | |
5 | 5 | Operas | Rodrigo (Vincer se stesso è la maggior vittoria) | 1707 | |
6 | 6 | Operas | Agrippina | 1710 | |
7 | 7a/b | Operas | Rinaldo | 1711 | |
8 | 8a/b/c | Operas | Il pastor fido (The faithful shepherd) | 1712 | |
9 | 9 | Operas | Teseo | 1713 | |
10 | 10 | Operas | Silla (Lucio Cornelio Silla) | 1713 | |
11 | 11 | Operas | Amadigi di Gaula | 1715 | |
12 | 12a/b | Operas | Radamisto | 1720 | |
13 | 13 | Operas | Muzio Scevola | 1721 | |
14 | 14 | Operas | Floridante | 1721 | |
15 | 15 | Operas | Ottone | 1723 | |
16 | 16 | Operas | Flavio, re de' Langobardi | 1723 | |
17 | 17 | Operas | Giulio Cesare in Egitto | 1724 | |
18 | 18 | Operas | Tamerlano | 1724 | |
19 | 19 | Operas | Rodelinda, regina de' Langobardi | 1725 | |
20 | 20 | Operas | Scipione (Publio Cornelio Scipione) | 1726 | |
21 | 21 | Operas | Alessandro | 1726 | |
22 | 22 | Operas | Admeto, re di Tessaglia | 1727 | |
23 | 23 | Operas | Riccardo Primo, re d'Inghilterra | 1727 | |
24 | A02 | Operas | Genserico (or Olibrio) | 1728 | |
25 | 24 | Operas | Siroe, re di Persia | 1728 | |
26 | 25 | Operas | Tolomeo, re d'Egitto | 1728 | |
27 | 26 | Operas | Lotario | 1729 | |
28 | 27 | Operas | Partenope | 1730 | |
29 | 28 | Operas | Poro, re dell'Indie | 1731 | |
30 | A05 | Operas | Titus l’Empereur | 1731 | |
31 | 29 | Operas | Ezio | 1732 | |
32 | 30 | Operas | Sosarme, re di Media | 1732 | |
33 | 31 | Operas | Orlando | 1733 | |
34 | 32 | Operas | Arianna in Creta | 1734 | |
35 | A11 | Operas | Oreste | 1734 | |
36 | 33 | Operas | Ariodante | 1735 | |
37 | 34 | Operas | Alcina | 1735 | |
38 | 35 | Operas | Atalanta | 1736 | |
39 | 36 | Operas | Arminio | 1737 | |
40 | 37 | Operas | Giustino | 1737 | |
41 | 38 | Operas | Berenice, regina d'Egitto | 1737 | |
42 | 39 | Operas | Faramondo | 1738 | |
43 | A13 | Operas | Alessandro Severo | 1738 | |
44 | 40 | Operas | Serse (Xerxes) | 1738 | |
45 | A14 | Operas | Giove in Argo | 1739 | |
46 | 41 | Operas | Imeneo | 1740 | |
47 | 42 | Operas | Deidamia | 1741 | |
48 | 43 | Incidental music | The Alchemist | 1710 | |
49 | 44 | Incidental music | Comus (There in blissful shades and bow’rs) | 1745 | |
50 | 45 | Incidental music | Alceste | 1750 | |
51 | 218 | Incidental music | Love’s but the frailty of the mind | 1740 | |
52 | 46a | Oratorios | Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno | 1707 | |
53 | 46b | Oratorios | Il trionfo del Tempo e della Verità | 1737 | |
54 | 47 | Oratorios | La resurrezione | 1708 | |
55 | 48 | Oratorios | Brockes Passion | 1719 | |
56 | 50a | Oratorios | Esther | 1718 | |
57 | 50b | Oratorios | Esther | 1732 | |
58 | 51 | Oratorios | Deborah | 1733 | |
59 | 52 | Oratorios | Athalia | 1733 | |
60 | 53 | Oratorios | Saul | 1739 | |
61 | 54 | Oratorios | Israel in Egypt | 1739 | |
62 | 55 | Oratorios | L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato | 1740 | |
63 | 56 | Oratorios | Messiah or "A Sacred Oratorio" | 1742 | |
64 | 57 | Oratorios | Samson | 1743 | |
65 | 58 | Oratorios | Semele | 1744 | |
66 | 59 | Oratorios | Joseph and his Brethren | 1744 | |
67 | 60 | Oratorios | Hercules | 1745 | |
68 | 61 | Oratorios | Belshazzar | 1745 | |
69 | 62 | Oratorios | The Occasional Oratorio | 1746 | |
70 | 63 | Oratorios | Judas Maccabaeus | 1747 | |
71 | 64 | Oratorios | Joshua | 1748 | |
72 | 65 | Oratorios | Alexander Balus | 1748 | |
73 | 66 | Oratorios | Susanna | 1749 | |
74 | 67 | Oratorios | Solomon | 1749 | |
75 | 68 | Oratorios | Theodora | 1750 | |
76 | 69 | Oratorios | The Choice of Hercules | 1751 | |
77 | 70 | Oratorios | Jephtha | 1752 | |
78 | 71 | Oratorios | The Triumph of Time and Truth | 1757 | |
79 | 72 | Odes and masques | Aci, Galatea e Polifemo | 1708 | •S, A, B |
80 | 49a | Odes and masques | Acis and Galatea (masque) | 1718 | |
81 | 49b | Odes and masques | Acis and Galatea (serenata) | 1732 | |
82 | 73 | Odes and masques | Parnasso in Festa (serenata) | 1734 | |
83 | 74 | Odes and masques | Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne | 1713 | •S, A, T, B |
84 | 75 | Odes and masques | Alexander’s Feast | 1736 | |
85 | 76 | Odes and masques | Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day | 1739 | |
86 | 77 | Cantatas | Ah che pur troppo è vero | 1707 | •Soprano |
87 | 78 | Cantatas | Ah! crudel, nel pianto mio | 1708 | •Soprano |
88 | 79 | Cantatas | Diana cacciatrice or Alla caccia | 1707 | •Soprano |
89 | 80 | Cantatas | Allor ch’io dissi addio | 1708 | •Soprano |
90 | 81 | Cantatas | Alpestre monte | 1707 | •Soprano |
91 | 82 | Cantatas | Amarilli vezzosa or Daliso ed Amarilli | 1708 | •S, A |
92 | 83 | Cantatas | Aminta e Fillide or Arresta il passo | 1708 | •2 Soprani |
93 | 84 | Cantatas | Aure soavi e lieti | 1707 | •Soprano |
94 | 85 | Cantatas | Venus and Adonis or Behold where weeping | 1711 | •Soprano |
95 | 86 | Cantatas | Bella ma ritrosetta | 1717 | •Soprano |
96 | 87 | Cantatas | Carco sempre di gloria | 1737 | •Alto |
97 | 88 | Cantatas | Care selve, aure grate | 1708 | •Soprano |
98 | 89 | Cantatas | Cecilia, volgi un sguardo | 1736 | •S, T |
99 | 90 | Cantatas | Chi rapì la pace al core | 1707 | •Soprano |
100 | 91a | Cantatas | Clori, degli occhi miei | 1707 | •Alto |
101 | 91b | Cantatas | Clori, degli occhi miei | 1710 | •Soprano |
102 | 92 | Cantatas | Clori, mia bella Clori | 1708 | •Soprano |
103 | 93 | Cantatas | Clori, ove sei? | 1708 | •Soprano |
104 | 94 | Cantatas | Clori, si, ch’io t’adoro | •Soprano | |
105 | 95 | Cantatas | Clori, vezzosa Clori | 1708 | •Soprano |
106 | 96 | Cantatas | Clori, Tirsi e Fileno or Cor fedele | 1707 | •S, A, A |
107 | 97 | Cantatas | Crudel tiranno Amor | 1721 | •Soprano |
108 | 98 | Cantatas | Cuopre tal volta il cielo | 1708 | •Basso |
109 | 99 | Cantatas | Il delirio amoroso or Da quel giorno fatale | 1707 | •Soprano |
110 | 100 | Cantatas | Da sete ardente afflitto | 1709 | •Soprano |
111 | 102a | Cantatas | Dalla guerra amorosa | 1709 | •Basso |
112 | 102b | Cantatas | Dalla guerra amorosa | 1709 | •Soprano |
113 | 103 | Cantatas | Deh! lasciate e vita e volo | 1725 | •Alto |
114 | 104 | Cantatas | Del bell’idolo mio | 1709 | •Basso |
115 | 105 | Cantatas | Armida abbandonata or Dietro l’orme fuggaci | 1707 | •Soprano |
116 | 106 | Cantatas | Dimmi, o mio cor | 1709 | •Soprano |
117 | 107 | Cantatas | Ditemi, o piante | 1708 | •Soprano |
118 | 108 | Cantatas | Dolce mio ben, s’io taccio | •Soprano | |
119 | 109a | Cantatas | Dolc’ è pur d’amor l’affanno | 1718 | •Alto |
120 | 109b | Cantatas | Dolc’ è pur d’amor l’affanno | 1718 | •Soprano |
121 | 110 | Cantatas | Agrippina condotta a morire | 1708 | •Soprano |
122 | 111a | Cantatas | E partirai, mia vita? | 1709 | •Soprano |
123 | 111b | Cantatas | E partirai, mia vita? | 1728 | •Soprano |
124 | 112 | Cantatas | Figli del mesto cor | 1709 | •Alto |
125 | 113 | Cantatas | Figlio d’alte speranze | 1707 | •Soprano |
126 | 114 | Cantatas | Filli adorata e cara | 1718 | •Soprano |
127 | 115 | Cantatas | Fra pensieri quel pensiero | 1718 | •Alto |
128 | 116 | Cantatas | Fra tante pene | 1707 | •Soprano |
129 | 117 | Cantatas | Hendel, non può mia musa | 1708 | •Soprano |
130 | 118 | Cantatas | Ho fuggito Amore anch’io | 1723 | •Alto |
131 | 119 | Cantatas | Echeggiate, festeggiate, numi eterni | 1712 | •S, S, S, A, B |
132 | 120a | Cantatas | Irene, idolo mio | 1709 | •Soprano |
133 | 120b | Cantatas | Irene, idolo mio | 1710 | •Alto |
134 | 121a | Cantatas | La Solitudine or L’aure grate, il fresco | 1723 | •Alto |
135 | 121b | Cantatas | La Solitudine or L’aure grate, il fresco | 1718 | •Alto |
136 | 122 | Cantatas | Apollo e Dafne or La terra è liberata | 1710 | •S, B |
137 | 123 | Cantatas | Languia di bocca lusinghiera | 1710 | •Soprano |
138 | 124 | Cantatas | Look down, harmonious saint | 1736 | •Tenore |
139 | 125a | Cantatas | Lungi da me, pensier tiranno | 1708 | •Soprano |
140 | 125b | Cantatas | Lungi da me, pensier tiranno | 1710 | •Alto |
141 | 126a | Cantatas | Lungi da voi, che siete poli | 1708 | •Soprano |
142 | 126b | Cantatas | Lungi da voi, che siete poli | 1708 | •Soprano |
143 | 126c | Cantatas | Lungi da voi, che siete poli | 1710 | •Alto |
144 | 127a | Cantatas | Lungi dal mio bel nume | 1708 | •Soprano |
145 | 127b | Cantatas | Lungi dal mio bel nume | 1710 | •Alto |
146 | 127c | Cantatas | Lungi dal mio bel nume | 1728 | •Soprano |
147 | 128 | Cantatas | Lungi n’andò Fileno | 1708 | •Soprano |
148 | 129 | Cantatas | Manca pur quanto sai | 1708 | •Soprano |
149 | 130 | Cantatas | Mentre il tutto è in furore | 1708 | •Soprano |
150 | 131 | Cantatas | Menzognere speranze | 1707 | •Soprano |
151 | 132a | Cantatas | Mi palpita il cor | 1710 | •Soprano |
152 | 132b | Cantatas | Mi palpita il cor | 1718 | •Soprano |
153 | 132c | Cantatas | Mi palpita il cor | 1710 | •Alto |
154 | 132d | Cantatas | Mi palpita il cor | 1712 | •Alto |
155 | 133 | Cantatas | Ne’ tuoi lumi, o bella Clori | 1707 | •Soprano |
156 | 134 | Cantatas | Pensieri notturni di Filli | 1709 | •Soprano |
157 | 135a | Cantatas | Nel dolce tempo | 1708 | •Soprano |
158 | 135b | Cantatas | Nel dolce tempo | 1710 | •Alto |
159 | 136a | Cantatas | Nell’ Africane selve | 1708 | •Basso |
160 | 136b | Cantatas | Nell’ Africane selve | 1710 | •Basso |
161 | 137 | Cantatas | Nella stagion che di viole e rose | 1707 | •Soprano |
162 | 138 | Cantatas | Nice, che fa? che pensa? | 1710 | •Soprano |
163 | 139a | Cantatas | Ninfe e pastori | 1709 | •Soprano |
164 | 139b | Cantatas | Ninfe e pastori | 1710 | •Alto |
165 | 139c | Cantatas | Ninfe e pastori | 1728 | •Soprano |
166 | 140 | Cantatas | No se emenderá jamás | 1707 | •Soprano |
167 | 141 | Cantatas | Non sospirar, non piangere | 1707 | •Soprano |
168 | 142 | Cantatas | Notte placida e cheta | 1708 | •Soprano |
169 | 143 | Cantatas | Olinto pastore, Tebro fiume, Gloria | 1708 | •S, S, A |
170 | 144 | Cantatas | O lucenti, o sereni occhi | 1707 | •Soprano |
171 | 145 | Cantatas | La Lucrezia or Oh numi eterni | 1708 | •Soprano |
172 | 146 | Cantatas | Occhi miei che faceste? | 1708 | •Soprano |
173 | 147 | Cantatas | Partì, l’idolo mio | 1710 | •Soprano |
174 | 148 | Cantatas | Poichè giuraro amore | 1707 | •Soprano |
175 | 149 | Cantatas | Qual sento io non conosciuto | •Soprano | |
176 | 150 | Cantatas | Ero e Leandro or Qual ti riveggio, oh Dio | 1707 | •Soprano |
177 | 151 | Cantatas | Qualor crudele, sì ma vaga Dori | 1710 | •Alto |
178 | 152 | Cantatas | Qualor l’egre pupille | 1707 | •Soprano |
179 | 153 | Cantatas | Quando sperasti, o core | 1708 | •Soprano |
180 | 154 | Cantatas | Quel fior che all’alba ride | 1740 | •Soprano |
181 | 155 | Cantatas | Sans y penser | 1707 | •Soprano |
182 | 156 | Cantatas | Sarai contenta un di | 1707 | •Soprano |
183 | 157 | Cantatas | Sarei troppo felice | 1707 | •Soprano |
184 | 158a | Cantatas | Se pari è la tua fè | 1708 | •Soprano |
185 | 158b | Cantatas | Se pari è la tua fè | 1710 | •Soprano |
186 | 158c | Cantatas | Se pari è la tua fè | 1728 | •Soprano |
187 | 159 | Cantatas | Se per fatal destino | 1707 | •Soprano |
188 | 160a | Cantatas | La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa | 1707 | •Soprano |
189 | 160b | Cantatas | La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa | 1728 | •Soprano |
190 | 160c | Cantatas | La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa | 1741 | •Soprano |
191 | 161a | Cantatas | Sento là che ristretto | 1709 | •Soprano |
192 | 161b | Cantatas | Sento là che ristretto | •Alto | |
193 | 161c | Cantatas | Sento là che ristretto | 1728 | •Soprano |
194 | 162 | Cantatas | Siete rose ruggiadose | 1712 | •Alto |
195 | 163 | Cantatas | Solitudini care, amata libertà | 1710 | •Soprano |
196 | 164a | Cantatas | Il Gelsomino or Son Gelsomino | 1728 | •Soprano |
197 | 164b | Cantatas | Il Gelsomino or Son Gelsomino | 1718 | •Alto |
198 | 165 | Cantatas | Spande ancor a mio dispetto | 1708 | •Basso |
199 | 166 | Cantatas | Splenda l’alba in oriente | 1712 | •Alto |
200 | 167a | Cantatas | Stanco di più soffrire | 1708 | •Alto |
201 | 167b | Cantatas | Stanco di più soffrire | 1708 | •Soprano |
202 | 168 | Cantatas | Partenza di G. B. or Stelle, perfide stelle | 1707 | •Soprano |
203 | 169 | Cantatas | Torna il core al suo diletto | 1708 | •Soprano |
204 | 170 | Cantatas | Tra le fiamme (Il consiglio) | 1707 | •Soprano |
205 | 171 | Cantatas | Tu fedel? Tu costante? | 1707 | •Soprano |
206 | 172 | Cantatas | Udite il mio consiglio | 1707 | •Soprano |
207 | 173 | Cantatas | Un’ alma innamorata | 1707 | •Soprano |
208 | 174 | Cantatas | Un sospir a chi si muore | 1707 | •Soprano |
209 | 175 | Cantatas | Vedendo Amor | 1708 | •Alto |
210 | 176 | Cantatas | Amore uccellatore or Venne voglia ad Amore | 1708 | •Alto |
211 | 177 | Cantatas | Zeffiretto, arresta il volo | 1709 | •Soprano |
212 | 178 | Italian duets | A mirarvi io son intento | 1711 | •S, A |
213 | 179 | Italian duets | Ahi, nelle sorti umane | 1745 | •2 Soprani |
214 | 180 | Italian duets | Amor, gioje mi porge | 1709 | •2 Soprani |
215 | 181 | Italian duets | Beato in ver chi pùo | 1742 | •S, A |
216 | 182a | Italian duets | Caro autor di mia doglia | 1709 | •S, T |
217 | 182b | Italian duets | Caro autor di mia doglia | 1742 | •2 Alti |
218 | 183 | Italian duets | Caro autor di mia doglia | 1712 | •2 Soprani |
219 | 184 | Italian duets | Che via pensando, folle pensier | 1709 | •S, B |
220 | 185 | Italian duets | Conservate, raddoppiate | 1711 | •S, A |
221 | 186 | Italian duets | Fronda leggiera e mobile | 1745 | •S, A |
222 | 187 | Italian duets | Giù nei Tartarei regni | 1707 | •S, B |
223 | 188 | Italian duets | Langue, geme, e sospira | 1722 | •S, A |
224 | 189 | Italian duets | Nò, di voi non vo’ fidarmi | 1741 | •2 Soprani |
225 | 190 | Italian duets | Nò, di voi non vo’ fidarmi | 1742 | •S, A |
226 | 191 | Italian duets | Quando in calma ride il mare | 1711 | •S, B |
227 | 192 | Italian duets | Quel fior che all’alba ride | 1741 | •2 Soprani |
228 | 193 | Italian duets | Se tu non lasci amore | 1722 | •S, A |
229 | 194 | Italian duets | Sono liete, fortunate | 1711 | •S, A |
230 | 195 | Italian duets | Spero indarno | 1740 | •S, B |
231 | 196 | Italian duets | Tacete, ohimè, tacete | 1709 | •S, B |
232 | 197 | Italian duets | Tanti strali al sen mi scocchi | 1711 | •S, A |
233 | 198 | Italian duets | Troppo cruda, troppo fiera | 1711 | •S, A |
234 | 199 | Italian duets | Va’, speme infida | 1711 | •2 Soprani |
235 | 200 | Italian trios | Quel fior che all’alba ride | 1709 | •S, S, B |
236 | 201 | Italian trios | Se tu non lasci amore | 1708 | •S, S, B |
237 | 202 | Hymns | Künft’ger Zeiten eitler Kummer | 1726 | •Soprano |
238 | 203 | Hymns | Das zitternde Glänzen der spielenden Wellen | 1726 | •Soprano |
239 | 204 | Hymns | Süßer Blumen Ambraflocken | 1726 | •Soprano |
240 | 205 | Hymns | Süße Stille, sanfte Quelle ruhiger Gelassenheit | 1726 | •Soprano |
241 | 206 | Hymns | Singe, Seele, Gott zum Preise | 1726 | •Soprano |
242 | 207 | Hymns | Meine Seele hört im Sehen | 1726 | •Soprano |
243 | 208 | Hymns | Die ihr aus dunkeln Grüften | 1726 | •Soprano |
244 | 209 | Hymns | In den angenehmen Büschen | 1726 | •Soprano |
245 | 210 | Hymns | Flammende Rose, Zierde der Erden | 1726 | •Soprano |
246 | 284 | Hymns | Sinners obey the Gospel word | 1747 | •Soprano |
247 | 285 | Hymns | O Love divine, how sweet thou art | 1747 | •Soprano |
248 | 286 | Hymns | Rejoice, the Lord is King | 1747 | •Soprano |
249 | 211 | Italian arias | Aure dolci, deh, spirate | 1726 | •Alto |
250 | 212 | Italian arias | Con doppia gloria mia | 1726 | •Soprano |
251 | 213 | Italian arias | Con lacrime si belle | 1718 | •Alto |
252 | 214 | Italian arias | Dell’onda instabile | 1749 | •Alto |
253 | 215 | Italian arias | Col valor del vostro brando | 1713 | •Soprano |
254 | 216 | Italian arias | Impari del mio core | 1749 | •Soprano |
255 | 217 | Italian arias | L’odio, sì, ma poi ritrovò | 1726 | •Alto |
256 | 219 | Italian arias | Non so se avrai mai bene | 1718 | •Soprano |
257 | 220 | Italian arias | Per dar pace al mio tormento | 1749 | •Soprano |
258 | 221 | Italian arias | Quant’invidio tua fortuna | 1749 | •Soprano |
259 | 222 | Italian arias | Quanto pi? amara fu sorte crudele | 1723 | •Soprano |
260 | 223 | Italian arias | S’un di m’appaga, la mia crudele | 1741 | •Soprano |
261 | 224 | Italian arias | Si, crudel, torner? | 1741 | •Soprano |
262 | 225 | Italian arias | Spera chi sa perch? la sorte | 1718 | •Alto |
263 | 227 | Italian arias | Vo’ cercando tra fiori | 1726 | •Soprano |
264 | 226 | English songs | Hunting Song or The morning is charming | 1743 | •Tenore |
265 | 228-01 | English songs | The unhappy Lovers: As Celia’s fatal arrows flew | 1730 | •Soprano |
266 | 228-02 | English songs | Charming Cloris: Ask not the cause | 1730 | •Soprano |
267 | 228-03 | English songs | As on a Sunshine Summer’s Day | 1729 | •Soprano |
268 | 228-04 | English songs | Bacchus Speech in Praise of Wine | 1730 | •Soprano |
269 | 228-05 | English songs | The Polish Minuet or Miss Kitty Grevil’s Delight | 1720 | •Soprano |
270 | 228-06 | English songs | The Sailor’s Complaint: Come and listen | 1735 | •Soprano |
271 | 228-07 | English songs | Di godere ha speranza il mio core | 1719 | •Soprano |
272 | 228-08 | English songs | The forsaken Maid’s Complaint | 1720 | •Soprano |
273 | 228-09 | English songs | From scourging rebellion | 1746 | •Tenore |
274 | 228-10 | English songs | The forsaken Nymph | 1735 | •Soprano |
275 | 228-11 | English songs | I like the am’rous Youth that’s free | 1737 | •Soprano |
276 | 228-12 | English songs | Phillis: My fair, ye Swains, is gone astray | 1725 | •Soprano |
277 | 228-13 | English songs | Not, Cloe, that I better am | 1730 | •Soprano |
278 | 228-14 | English songs | Strephon’s Complaint of Love | 1730 | •Soprano |
279 | 228-15 | English songs | The Satyr’s Advice to a Stock-Jobber | 1730 | •Soprano |
280 | 228-16 | English songs | Phillis be kind and hear | 1730 | •Soprano |
281 | 228-17 | English songs | Phillis advised: Phillis the lovely | 1739 | •Soprano |
282 | 228-18 | English songs | Stand round, my brave boys | 1745 | •Tenore |
283 | 228-19 | English songs | The faithful Maid / The Melancholy Nymph | 1715 | •Soprano |
284 | 228-20 | English songs | The Rapture. Matchless Clarinda | 1725 | •Soprano |
285 | 228-21 | English songs | The Death of the Stag: When Phoebus | 1740 | •Soprano |
286 | 228-22 | English songs | Who to win a Woman’s favour | 1746 | •Soprano |
287 | 228-23 | English songs | An Answer to Collin’s Complaint | 1716 | •Soprano |
288 | 228-24 | English songs | Yes, I’m in love | 1740 | •Soprano |
289 | 229-1 | German church cantatas | Das gantze Haupt ist krank à 8 | 1703 | |
290 | 229-2 | German church cantatas | Es ist der alte Bund, Mensch à 12 | 1703 | |
291 | 229-3 | German church cantatas | Führwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit à 15 | 1703 | |
292 | 229-4 | German church cantatas | Thue Rechnung von deinem Haußhalten à 13 | 1703 | |
293 | 229-5 | German church cantatas | Victoria. Der Tod ist verschlungen à 14 | 1703 | |
294 | 229-6 | German church cantatas | Was werden wir essen à 10/12 | 1703 | |
295 | 229-7 | German church cantatas | Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt à 12 | 1703 | |
296 | 230 | Italian sacred cantatas | Ah! che troppo ineguali or O del ciel! Maria Regina | 1708 | •Soprano |
297 | 233 | Italian sacred cantatas | Donna, che in ciel | 1708 | •Soprano |
298 | 234 | Italian sacred cantatas | Il pianto di Maria or Giunta l’ora fatal | •Soprano | |
299 | 231 | Latin church music | Motet | 1707 | D maj/G maj |
300 | 232 | Latin church music | Psalm setting | 1707 | G minor |
301 | 235 | Latin church music | Haec est Regina virginum | 1707 | G major |
302 | 236 | Latin church music | Laudate pueri dominum | 1706 | F major |
303 | 237 | Latin church music | Laudate pueri dominum | 1707 | D major |
304 | 238 | Latin church music | Nisi dominus | 1707 | G major |
305 | 239 | Latin church music | O qualis de coelo sonus. | 1707 | G major |
306 | 240 | Latin church music | Saeviat tellus inter rigores. | 1707 | D major |
307 | 241 | Latin church music | Salve regina | 1707 | G minor |
308 | 242 | Latin church music | Silete venti | 1725 | B-flat major |
309 | 243 | Latin church music | Te decus virgineum | 1707 | G minor |
310 | 244 | Latin church music | Kyrie eleison | 1749 | •Chorus |
311 | 245 | Latin church music | Gloria in excelsis deo | 1749 | •Chorus |
312 | 269 | Latin church music | Amen...alleluja | 1746 | D minor |
313 | 270 | Latin church music | Amen...alleluja | 1746 | F major |
314 | 271 | Latin church music | Amen...alleluja | 1746 | G minor |
315 | 272 | Latin church music | Amen...alleluja | 1746 | D minor |
316 | 273 | Latin church music | Amen...alleluja | 1746 | G major |
317 | 274 | Latin church music | Amen...alleluja | 1746 | A minor |
318 | 276 | Latin church music | Amen...alleluja | 1747 | F major |
319 | 277 | Latin church music | Amen...alleluja | F major | |
320 | 246 | Anthems | Chandos anthem No 1. O be joyful in the Lord | 1718 | D major |
321 | 247 | Anthems | Chandos Anthem No 2. In the Lord put I my trust | 1718 | |
322 | 248 | Anthems | Chandos Anthem No 3. Have mercy upon me | 1718 | |
323 | 249a | Anthems | O come, let us sing unto the Lord | 1714 | |
324 | 249b | Anthems | Chandos Anthem No 4. O come, let us sing unto the Lord | 1718 | |
325 | 250a | Anthems | Chandos Anthem No 5. I will magnify thee | 1718 | |
326 | 250b | Anthems | I will magnify thee | 1724 | |
327 | 251a | Anthems | As pants the hart | 1713 | |
328 | 251b | Anthems | Chandos Anthem No 6. As pants the hart | 1718 | |
329 | 251c | Anthems | As pants the hart | 1722 | |
330 | 251d | Anthems | As pants the hart | 1722 | |
331 | 251e | Anthems | As pants the hart | 1738 | |
332 | 252 | Anthems | Chandos Anthem No 7. My song shall be alway | 1718 | |
333 | 253 | Anthems | Chandos Anthem No 8. O come, let us sing unto the Lord | 1718 | |
334 | 254 | Anthems | Chandos Anthem No 9. O praise the Lord with one consent | 1718 | |
335 | 255 | Anthems | Chandos Anthem N° 10. The Lord is my light | 1718 | |
336 | 256a | Anthems | Chandos Anthem N° 11. Let God arise | 1718 | |
337 | 256b | Anthems | Let God arise | 1726 | |
338 | 257 | Anthems | O praise the Lord, ye angels of his | ||
339 | 258 | Anthems | Zadok the Priest | 1727 | |
340 | 259 | Anthems | Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened | 1727 | |
341 | 260 | Anthems | The King Shall Rejoice | 1727 | |
342 | 261 | Anthems | My Heart is Inditing | 1727 | |
343 | 262 | Anthems | This is the day which the Lord hath made | 1734 | |
344 | 263 | Anthems | Sing unto God (Anthem for Wedding of Princess Ann) | 1736 | |
345 | 264 | Anthems | The ways of Zion do mourn (Funeral Anthem) | 1737 | |
346 | 265 | Anthems | Dettingen Anthem (The King Shall Rejoice) | 1743 | |
347 | 266 | Anthems | How beautiful are the feet of them | 1749 | |
348 | 267 | Anthems | First draft of the Peace Anthem | 1749 | |
349 | 268 | Anthems | Blessed are they that considereth the poor | 1749 | |
350 | 278 | Canticles | Utrecht Te Deum | 1713 | D major |
351 | 279 | Canticles | Utrecht Jubilate | 1713 | D major |
352 | 280 | Canticles | Te Deum (Queen Caroline) | 1714 | D major |
353 | 281 | Canticles | Te Deum (Chandos or Cannon) | 1718 | B-flat major |
354 | 282 | Canticles | Te Deum | 1726 | A major |
355 | 283 | Canticles | Te Deum (Dettingen) | 1743 | D major |
356 | 287 | Concertos | Oboe | 1704 | G minor |
357 | 288 | Concertos | Violin | 1707 | B-flat major |
358 | 289 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 1) | 1736 | G minor |
359 | 290 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 2) | 1735 | B-flat major |
360 | 291 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 3) | 1735 | G minor |
361 | 292 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 4) | 1735 | F major |
362 | 293 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 5) | 1735 | F major |
363 | 294 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 6) / Harp | 1736 | B-flat major |
364 | 295 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°13) | 1739 | F major |
365 | 296a | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°14) | 1739 | A major |
366 | 296b | Concertos | Organ | 1746 | A major |
367 | 297 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°15) | 1740 | D minor |
368 | 298 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°16) | 1740 | G major |
369 | 299 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°17) | 1740 | D major |
370 | 300 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°18) | 1740 | G minor |
371 | 301 | Concertos | Oboe | 1740 | B-flat major |
372 | 302a | Concertos | Oboe | 1740 | B-flat major |
373 | 303 | Concertos | Organ (Adagio for 2 organs) | 1746 | D minor |
374 | 304 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°15) | 1746 | D minor |
375 | 305 | Concertos | Organ | 1748 | F major |
376 | 306 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 7) | 1740 | B-flat major |
377 | 307 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 8) | 1743 | A major |
378 | 308 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N° 9) | 1751 | B-flat major |
379 | 309 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°10) | 1744 | D minor |
380 | 310 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°11) | 1750 | G minor |
381 | 311 | Concertos | Organ (Conc. N°12) | 1749 | B-flat major |
382 | 343 | Concertos | Organ (Ritornello) | 1739 | G major |
383 | 312 | Concerti grossi | Opus 3 No 1 | 1710 | B-flat major |
384 | 313 | Concerti grossi | Opus 3 No 2 | 1718 | B-flat major |
385 | 314 | Concerti grossi | Opus 3 No 3 | 1718 | G major |
386 | 315 | Concerti grossi | Opus 3 No 4a | 1716 | F major |
387 | 316 | Concerti grossi | Opus 3 No 5 | 1718 | D minor |
388 | 317 | Concerti grossi | Opus 3 No 6 | 1734 | D major |
389 | 318 | Concerti grossi | 1736 | C major | |
390 | 319 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 1 | 1739 | G major |
391 | 320 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 2 | 1739 | F major |
392 | 321 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 3 | 1739 | E minor |
393 | 322 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 4 | 1739 | A minor |
394 | 323 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 5 | 1739 | D major |
395 | 324 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 6 | 1739 | G minor |
396 | 325 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 7 | 1739 | B-flat major |
397 | 326 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 8 | 1739 | C minor |
398 | 327 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 9 | 1739 | F major |
399 | 328 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 10 | 1739 | D minor |
400 | 329 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 11 | 1739 | A major |
401 | 330 | Concerti grossi | Opus 6 No 12 | 1739 | B minor |
402 | 331 | Concerti grossi | 1723 | F major | |
403 | 331-1 | Concerti grossi | F major | ||
404 | 331-2 | Concerti grossi | F major | ||
405 | 332 | Concerti grossi | 1748 | B-flat major | |
406 | 333 | Concerti grossi | 1748 | F major | |
407 | 334 | Concerti grossi | 1748 | F major | |
408 | 335a | Concerti grossi | 1746 | D major | |
409 | 335b | Concerti grossi | 1746 | F major | |
410 | 302b | Orchestral works | Largo | 1738 | F major |
411 | 336 | Orchestral works | Overture | B-flat major | |
412 | 337 | Orchestral works | Overture | 1725 | D major |
413 | 338 | Orchestral works | Adagio/Allegro | 1722 | B min/D maj |
414 | 339 | Orchestral works | Sinfonia | 1707 | B-flat major |
415 | 340 | Orchestral works | Allegro | 1715 | G major |
416 | 341 | Orchestral works | Suite "The famous water peice (sic)" | 1733 | D major |
417 | 342 | Orchestral works | Overture | 1736 | F major |
418 | 344 | Orchestral works | Chorus and Minuet | 1708 | B-flat major |
419 | 345 | Orchestral works | March | 1738 | D major |
420 | 347 | Orchestral works | Sinfonia | 1747 | B-flat major |
421 | 348 | Orchestral works | Water Music suite No 1 | 1717 | F major |
422 | 349 | Orchestral works | Water Music suite No 2 | 1717 | D major |
423 | 350 | Orchestral works | Water Music suite No 3 | 1717 | G major |
424 | 351 | Orchestral works | Fireworks Music | 1749 | D major |
425 | 352 | Orchestral works | Suite | 1706 | B-flat major |
426 | 353 | Orchestral works | Suite | 1706 | G major |
427 | 354 | Orchestral works | Suite | 1708 | B-flat major |
428 | 355 | Orchestral works | Hornpipe aria | 1715 | C minor |
429 | 356 | Orchestral works | Hornpipe | 1740 | D major |
430 | 413 | Orchestral works | Gigue | 1736 | B-flat major |
431 | 357 | Solo sonatas | Oboe | 1710 | B-flat major |
432 | 358 | Solo sonatas | Recorder or violin | 1710 | G major |
433 | 359a | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1724 | D minor |
434 | 359b | Solo sonatas | Flute | 1724 | E minor |
435 | 360 | Solo sonatas | Recorder | 1712 | G minor |
436 | 361 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1726 | A major |
437 | 362 | Solo sonatas | Recorder | 1712 | A minor |
438 | 363a | Solo sonatas | Oboe | 1716 | F major |
439 | 363b | Solo sonatas | Flute | 1716 | G major |
440 | 364a | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1724 | G minor |
441 | 364b | Solo sonatas | Viola da gamba | 1724 | G minor |
442 | 365 | Solo sonatas | Recorder | 1712 | C major |
443 | 366 | Solo sonatas | Oboe | 1712 | C minor |
444 | 367a | Solo sonatas | Recorder | 1712 | D minor |
445 | 367b | Solo sonatas | Flute | 1726 | B minor |
446 | 368 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1732 | G minor |
447 | 369 | Solo sonatas | Recorder | 1712 | F major |
448 | 370 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1732 | F major |
449 | 371 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1750 | D major |
450 | 372 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1732 | A major |
451 | 373 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1732 | E major |
452 | 374 | Solo sonatas | Flute | 1730 | A minor |
453 | 375 | Solo sonatas | Flute | 1730 | E minor |
454 | 376 | Solo sonatas | Flute | 1730 | B minor |
455 | 377 | Solo sonatas | Recorder | 1712 | B-flat major |
456 | 378 | Solo sonatas | Flute | 1707 | D major |
457 | 379 | Solo sonatas | Flute | 1728 | E minor |
458 | 406 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1751 | A major |
459 | 407 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1738 | G major |
460 | 408 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1729 | C minor |
461 | 409 | Solo sonatas | Recorder | 1712 | D minor |
462 | 412 | Solo sonatas | Violin | 1726 | A minor |
463 | 419-1 | Solo sonatas | 1720 | ||
464 | 419-2 | Solo sonatas | 1720 | G major | |
465 | 419-3 | Solo sonatas | 1720 | G major | |
466 | 419-4 | Solo sonatas | 1720 | F major | |
467 | 419-5 | Solo sonatas | 1720 | C major | |
468 | 419-6 | Solo sonatas | 1720 | C major | |
469 | 420 | Solo sonatas | 1744 | D major | |
470 | 421 | Solo sonatas | 1744 | D major | |
471 | 380 | Trio sonatas | B-flat major | ||
472 | 381 | Trio sonatas | D minor | ||
473 | 382 | Trio sonatas | E-flat major | ||
474 | 383 | Trio sonatas | F major | ||
475 | 384 | Trio sonatas | G major | ||
476 | 385 | Trio sonatas | D major | ||
477 | 386a | Trio sonatas | 1719 | C minor | |
478 | 386b | Trio sonatas | Opus 2 No 1 | 1727 | B minor |
479 | 387 | Trio sonatas | Opus 2 No 2 | 1699 | G minor |
480 | 388 | Trio sonatas | Opus 2 No 3 | 1718 | B-flat major |
481 | 389 | Trio sonatas | Opus 2 No 4 | 1722 | F major |
482 | 390a | Trio sonatas | Opus 2 No 5 | 1722 | G minor |
483 | 390b | Trio sonatas | G minor | ||
484 | 391 | Trio sonatas | Opus 2 No 6 | 1707 | G minor |
485 | 392 | Trio sonatas | 1707 | F major | |
486 | 393 | Trio sonatas | 1719 | G minor | |
487 | 394 | Trio sonatas | E major | ||
488 | 395 | Trio sonatas | E minor | ||
489 | 396 | Trio sonatas | Opus 5 No 1 | 1739 | A major |
490 | 397 | Trio sonatas | Opus 5 No 2 | 1739 | D major |
491 | 398 | Trio sonatas | Opus 5 No 3 | 1739 | E minor |
492 | 399 | Trio sonatas | Opus 5 No 4 | 1739 | G major |
493 | 400 | Trio sonatas | Opus 5 No 5 | 1739 | G minor |
494 | 401 | Trio sonatas | Opus 5 No 6 | 1739 | F major |
495 | 402 | Trio sonatas | Opus 5 No 7 | 1739 | B-flat major |
496 | 403 | Trio sonatas | 1738 | C major | |
497 | 404 | Trio sonatas | G minor | ||
498 | 405 | Trio sonatas | 1710 | F major | |
499 | 346 | Wind ensemble works | March | 1729 | F major |
500 | 410 | Wind ensemble works | Aria | 1725 | F major |
501 | 411 | Wind ensemble works | Aria | 1725 | F major |
502 | 414 | Wind ensemble works | March for Fife | 1747 | C major |
503 | 415 | Wind ensemble works | March for Fife | 1747 | D major |
504 | 416 | Wind ensemble works | March | 1734 | D major |
505 | 417 | Wind ensemble works | March | 1747 | D major |
506 | 418 | Wind ensemble works | March | 1741 | G major |
507 | 422 | Wind ensemble works | Minuet | 1747 | G major |
508 | 423 | Wind ensemble works | Minuet | 1747 | G major |
509 | 424 | Wind ensemble works | Overture | 1741 | D major |
510 | 305b | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1747 | F minor |
511 | 425 | Keyboard works | Air (Saraband) | 1740 | E major |
512 | 426 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No 1 | 1720 | A major |
513 | 427 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No 2 | 1720 | F major |
514 | 428 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No 3 | 1720 | D minor |
515 | 429 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No 4 | 1720 | E minor |
516 | 430 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No 5 (Harmonious blacksmith) | 1720 | E major |
517 | 431 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No 6 | 1720 | F-sharp minor |
518 | 432 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No 7 | 1720 | G minor |
519 | 433 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 1 No 8 | 1720 | F minor |
520 | 434 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No 1 | 1717 | B-flat major |
521 | 435 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No 2 | 1717 | G major |
522 | 436 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No 3 | 1726 | D minor |
523 | 437 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No 4 | 1706 | D minor |
524 | 438 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No 5 | 1717 | E minor |
525 | 439 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No 6 | 1706 | G minor |
526 | 440 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No 7 | 1706 | B-flat major |
527 | 441 | Keyboard works | Suite de pièce Vol. 2 No 8 | 1706 | G major |
528 | 442 | Keyboard works | Suite de piece Vol. 2 No 9 | 1706 | G major |
529 | 443 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1703 | C major |
530 | 444 | Keyboard works | Partita | 1706 | C minor |
531 | 445 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1706 | C minor |
532 | 446 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1706 | C minor |
533 | 447 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1739 | D minor |
534 | 448 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1706 | D minor |
535 | 449 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1705 | D minor |
536 | 450 | Keyboard works | Partita | 1705 | G major |
537 | 451 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1706 | G minor |
538 | 452 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1739 | G minor |
539 | 453 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1706 | G minor |
540 | 454 | Keyboard works | Partita | 1706 | A major |
541 | 455 | Keyboard works | Suite | 1705 | B-flat major |
542 | 456-1 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1727 | |
543 | 456-2 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1727 | |
544 | 456-3 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1727 | |
545 | 456-4 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1727 | |
546 | 456-5 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1727 | |
547 | 457 | Keyboard works | Air | 1721 | C major |
548 | 458 | Keyboard works | Air | 1720 | C minor |
549 | 459 | Keyboard works | Air | 1720 | C minor |
550 | 460 | Keyboard works | Air (March) | 1721 | D major |
551 | 461 | Keyboard works | Air (Hornpipe) | 1718 | D minor |
552 | 462 | Keyboard works | Air en menuet | 1726 | D minor |
553 | 463 | Keyboard works | Air | 1709 | F major |
554 | 464 | Keyboard works | Air | 1726 | F major |
555 | 465 | Keyboard works | Air and two Doubles | 1720 | F major |
556 | 466 | Keyboard works | Air | 1720 | G minor |
557 | 467 | Keyboard works | Air Lentement | 1720 | G minor |
558 | 468 | Keyboard works | Air | 1728 | A major |
559 | 469 | Keyboard works | Air | 1739 | B-flat major |
560 | 470 | Keyboard works | Air | 1720 | B-flat major |
561 | 471 | Keyboard works | Air | 1720 | B-flat major |
562 | 472 | Keyboard works | Allegro | 1705 | C major |
563 | 473 | Keyboard works | Allegro | 1738 | C major |
564 | 474 | Keyboard works | Air | 1738 | G major |
565 | 475 | Keyboard works | Allegro | 1720 | D minor |
566 | 476 | Keyboard works | Allemande | 1735 | F major |
567 | 477 | Keyboard works | Allemande | 1726 | A major |
568 | 478 | Keyboard works | Allemande | 1705 | A minor |
569 | 479 | Keyboard works | Allemande | 1722 | B minor |
570 | 480 | Keyboard works | Chorale | 1740 | G minor |
571 | 481 | Keyboard works | Capriccio | 1706 | F major |
572 | 482-1 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1725 | |
573 | 482-2 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1725 | |
574 | 482-3 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1725 | |
575 | 482-4 | Keyboard works | Arrangement | 1725 | |
576 | 483 | Keyboard works | Capriccio | 1721 | G minor |
577 | 484 | Keyboard works | Chaconne with 49 variations | 1705 | C major |
578 | 485 | Keyboard works | Chaconne | 1705 | F major |
579 | 486 | Keyboard works | Chaconne | 1705 | G minor |
580 | 487 | Keyboard works | Concerto | 1720 | G major |
581 | 488 | Keyboard works | Allegro (Courante) | 1718 | F major |
582 | 489 | Keyboard works | Courante | 1722 | B minor |
583 | 490 | Keyboard works | Fantasie pour le clavecin | 1706 | C major |
584 | 491 | Keyboard works | Gavotte | 1705 | G major |
585 | 492 | Keyboard works | Gigue | 1727 | F major |
586 | 493 | Keyboard works | Gigue | 1705 | G minor |
587 | 494 | Keyboard works | Impertinence (Bourrée) | 1705 | G minor |
588 | 495 | Keyboard works | Lesson | 1710 | D minor |
589 | 496 | Keyboard works | Lesson | 1720 | A minor |
590 | 497 to 558 | Keyboard works | 62 Minuets | Various | |
591 | 559 | Keyboard works | Passepied | 1722 | C major |
592 | 560 | Keyboard works | Passepied | 1705 | A major |
593 | 561 | Keyboard works | Prelude | 1706 | D minor |
594 | 562 | Keyboard works | Prelude (Harpeggio) | 1712 | D minor |
595 | 563 | Keyboard works | Prelude | 1703 | D minor |
596 | 564 | Keyboard works | Prelude | 1705 | D minor |
597 | 565 | Keyboard works | Prelude | 1720 | D minor |
598 | 566 | Keyboard works | Prelude | 1720 | E major |
599 | 567 | Keyboard works | Preludium | 1720 | F major |
600 | 568 | Keyboard works | Preludium | 1720 | F minor |
601 | 569 | Keyboard works | Preludium | 1720 | F minor |
602 | 570 | Keyboard works | Prelude (Harpeggio) | 1718 | F-sharp minor |
603 | 571 | Keyboard works | Prelude and Capriccio | 1706 | G major |
604 | 572 | Keyboard works | Prelude | 1717 | G minor |
605 | 573 | Keyboard works | Prelude (Harpeggio) | 1705 | G minor |
606 | 574 | Keyboard works | Prelude and Allegro (Sonata) | 1705 | G minor |
607 | 575 | Keyboard works | Prelude (Harpeggio) | 1718 | A minor |
608 | 576 | Keyboard works | Prelude and Allegro | 1706 | A minor |
609 | 577 | Keyboard works | Sonata (Fantasia) pour le clavecin | 1705 | C major |
610 | 578 | Keyboard works | Sonata | 1750 | C major |
611 | 579 | Keyboard works | Sonata (Fantasia) | 1710 | G major |
612 | 580 | Keyboard works | Sonata (Larghetto) | 1710 | G minor |
613 | 581 | Keyboard works | Sonatina | 1705 | D minor |
614 | 582 | Keyboard works | Sonatina (Fugue) | 1722 | G major |
615 | 583 | Keyboard works | Sonatina | 1722 | G minor |
616 | 584 | Keyboard works | Sonatina | 1708 | A minor |
617 | 585 | Keyboard works | Sonatina | 1722 | B-flat major |
618 | 586 | Keyboard works | Toccata | 1720 | G minor |
619 | 587 to 597 | Keyboard works | Eleven pieces | 1740 | C, F, and G |
620 | 598 to 604 | Keyboard works | Seven pieces | 1740 | C maj/A min |
621 | 605 | Keyboard works | Fugue | 1718 | G minor |
622 | 606 | Keyboard works | Fugue | 1718 | G major |
623 | 607 | Keyboard works | Fugue | 1718 | B-flat major |
624 | 608 | Keyboard works | Fugue | 1718 | B minor |
625 | 609 | Keyboard works | Fugue | 1718 | A minor |
626 | 610 | Keyboard works | Fugue | 1718 | C minor |
627 | 611 | Keyboard works | Fugue | 1705 | F major |
628 | 612 | Keyboard works | Fugue | E major | |
629 | A01 | Operas | L'Elpidia, overo Li rivali generosi | 1725 | |
630 | A03 | Operas | Ormisda | 1730 | |
631 | A04 | Operas | Venceslao | 1731 | |
632 | A06 | Operas | Lucio Papirio dittatore | 1732 | |
633 | A07 | Operas | Catone | 1732 | |
634 | A08 | Operas | Semiramide or Semiramis riconosciuta | 1733 | |
635 | A09 | Operas | Caio Fabricio | 1733 | |
636 | A10 | Operas | Arbace | 1734 | |
637 | A12 | Operas | Didone abbandonata | 1737 | |
638 | A15 | Keyboard works | 37 menuets |
The Händel-Handbuch refers to the thematic catalogue of Handel's works published in three volumes from 1978 to 1986. The work of the late Bernd Baselt of the Martin Luther University of Halle (Saale) in Germany, it is a classified list of every piece of music Handel is known to have written (and includes a few concerning which there is some doubt). The catalogue includes the first few bars of each piece and large amounts of factual information (manuscript sources, early prints, etc.) concerning each. These volumes serve Handel scholarship in the same way that the Köchel Catalogue serves Mozart scholarship.
The sources for this page are The Handel Institute, Wikipedia (which took most of the data from the first source) and another site in Québec (in French).
Haendel was born in Germany. As a young man (1703), he plays the violin and harpsichord in Hamburg, is then appointed organist in Lübeck. Later on he travels to Italy and visits several cities. In 1711 he makes a fist trip to London and gradually establishes himself there. Today, he is considered an English composer in the Anglo-Saxon world.